Social feeds are a massive problem.

The average daily social media usage of internet users worldwide is 147 minutes per day (source), and social media use is linked to a decline in mental health (source)

Feeds are run by companies with ad-driven business models, with an incentive to addict users with content that is often clickbait, low quality or not aligned with the user’s goals. Feeds have also been used to create filter bubbles, manipulate election results and censor people.

We deserve better.

Discove lets anyone create and discover feeds created by the community. It’s dune for feeds. Discove goes one step further and allows anyone to permissionlessly create a Discove plugin that lets social feeds do new, interesting things.

Starting today, you can create and explore feeds of data from Farcaster, a sufficiently decentralized social network. In the future, more sources of data and tools may become available for feed creation on Discove.

I need your help. Your ****feedback is vital to making sure Discove reaches its full potential. Send me a message about what you’d like to be able to do with it, and I’ll do my best to make it happen.

Reach out to me: [email protected] / @df on Farcaster / @davidvfurlong on twitter / @discovexyz